Monday, May 14, 2012

Healthy diet with balanced foods

  1. Cut carrot(1 small), shitake mushrooms(2), age(1/2), and chicken (100 g).
  2.  Stir fly #1 and boil with bonito soup stock (1 cap), sugar (1 tbsp), soy sauce (2 tbsp)
  3. Cook rice (2 cups) with #2 add water to make it 2 cups.
Green pepper with pork
  1. Mix ground pork (300 g), 1 egg, 1/2 cup bread crumbs, 1 spring onion, salt and pepper.
  2. Cut green pepper into half and fill #1 into it.
  3. Stir fly #2.
  4. Add soup stock (250 cc), soy sauce (2 tbsp), mirin (2 tbsp), sugar (1 tbsp).
  5. Boil #3.
  6. Add potato/ corn starch.
Potato & egg salad
  1. Boil potato and egg.
  2. Mash them.
  3. Add mayo, salt and pepper.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Easy healthy chinese

Stir fry beef and vegetables
  1. Marinade beef with sugar, water and sake for 30 minutes. (to tender the meat).
  2. Stir fry the beef.
  3. Add soy sauce.
  4. Remove the beef.
  5. Stir fry spring onion and chopped ginger.
  6. Stir fry boiled bamboo shoot.
  7. Stir fry green peppers.
  8. Add sesame oil.
  9. Sprinkle salt & pepper.
  10. Add the cooked beef.
Wanton and tofu soup
  1. Mix ground pork, garlic, ginger, minced cabbage & leak, salt, pepper, sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil.
  2. Wrap #1 with wanton.
  3. Boil #2 and tofu with chicken broth.
  4. Add salt, pepper and soy sauce.
  5. Add spring onion.

Easy recipe: one plate balanced food

Fried fish (cod)
  1.  Sprinkle salt & pepper to the fish.
  2. Add flour.
  3. Add egg.
  4. Add bread crumbs.
  5. Deep fry.
Green beans
  1. Stir fry chopped garlic.
  2. Stir fry green beans.
  3. Add salt & pepper.
  4. Add chili powder.
  5. Add soy sauce.
Corn (1/2, boiled)

*This is enough portion for a person. You don't have to eat more than this. Eat moderately.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bento #2

Ingredients: Shrimp, lettuce, ginger, egg, spring onion, daikon radish, carrot, tomato, spinach, dried bonito, rice, ume pickles, black seaweed

Bento #1

Ingredients: Ground pork, tofu, onion, egg, bacon, asparagus, potato, broccoli, cheese, parsley, tomato, rice, black seaweed, Ume pickles

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Daily Food Group Servings

[Daily food group servings]
Grains: 6 servings
  • Breakfast:1 cup whole-grain cereal (1)
  • Lunch: 1hamburger bun (2)
  • Snack: 3 cups low-fat popcorn (1)
  • Dinner: 1 cup cooked brown rice (2)
Vegetables: 5 servings
  • Breakfast: 6 baby carrots (1)
  • Lunch: corn (1), 1 cup chopped lettuce (1)
  • Dinner: 3 spears of broccoli (1), 1 cup cooked greens (1)
Fruits: 3 servings
  • Breakfast: 1 small apple (1)
  • Lunch: 1 small box of raisins (1)
  • Dinner: 1 large orange (1)
Milk: 3 servings
  • Breakfast: 1 cup fat-free milk (1)
  • Lunch: 2 onces low-fat American cheese (1)
  • Snack: low-fat yogurt (1)
Meat & Beans: 5 ounces
  • Lunch: 1 small lean hamburger (3 ounces)
  • Dinner: 1 small half chicken breast ( 2 ounces)